Thursday 19 April 2012

Pascal's Triangle

Blaise Pascal discovered the Pascal's Triangle.It's a Triangluar Array (Equilateral).
Many of us come to know about it. There are few secrets among it. I would like to share with all of you.
I hope you enjoy.
The Construction

The First and last values are always 1.
The middle values are obtained by adding two adjacent values in the upper row.
For eg: Six rows are shown here

It's not necessary that, there must be only 5 rows. We can construct many rows.

For Clear Understanding Purpose, I have changed the Equilateral Triangle to Right angled triangle.
Here's the triangle shown below:

The Second Column, marked in Red; shows values which increases with increment value of 1.
The Third Column, marked in Purple are triangular numbers.
Triangluar Numbers are number of dots which are used to represent a triangle. You can understand clearly with the photo below:

Consider a series of values in a column. Sum them up, you can see the answer in the adjacent column, but one row below.

The sum of the values in a row are denoted by 2^n

This photo shows how it's used in Binomial Coefficients

This photo shows how it's used in Probability Theory

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