Thursday 26 July 2012

Kaspersky: Mac security is '10 years behind Microsoft'

In an interview, the security firm's CEO says Apple has a lot more malware coming its way, and that it's not putting enough resources into protecting users.

Forrester's CEO isn't the only one spouting doom and gloom for Apple today.
Now Eugene Kaspersky, the CEO of security firm Kaspersky Lab, says Apple is headed for a rough patch. However, this one's in the world of computer security, and he says Apple is already getting into the thick of it.

Speaking to Computer Business Review at Info Security 2012 show in London this week, Kaspersky said that when it comes to computer security, Apple's Mac platform was a decade behind Microsoft's, and that it's got some things to learn from its rival.

"They will understand very soon that they have the same problems Microsoft had 10 or 12 years ago," Kaspersky said in an interview. "They will have to make changes in terms of the cycle of updates and so on and will be forced to invest more into their security audits for the software."

"That's what Microsoft did in the past after so many incidents like Blaster and the more complicated worms that infected millions of computers in a short time," he added. "They had to do a lot of work to check the code to find mistakes and vulnerabilities. Now it's time for Apple [to do the same]."

The statements come on the heels of Flashback, a high-profile piece of Mac malware that is estimated to have infected more than 600,000 Macs at its peak. More recent figures put its current infection somewhere at less than 185,000 machines worldwide.

Apple patched the system vulnerability the Flashback attacks were using, and released a removal tool for infected machines. But the company got flack from security experts for not fixing it sooner. Security companies -- including Kaspersky -- also made Apple look slow to react by offering up their own detection and removal tools ahead of an official fix.

Apple has, in fact, hardened Mac OS X against attackers in recent years, as well as shown off plans for added protective measures in future versions of the software. The last two major versions of Mac OS X has a built-in malware scanner called XProtect that is able to spot and quarantine known malware. Soon the company will also mandate that apps sold on its App Store will be compliant with new sandboxing rules designed to keep apps from doing any damage to user files, or other parts of the OS. 

Bill Gates In Restaurent


Make your Computer Talk

Make your Computer Talk 

It is possible to make your computer talk? The answer is YES. Your computer can talk. I am going to share with you a program written in VB Script. With the help of this program, your computer can speak whatever you want to hear from it. Please inform me whether you liked it or not. Just follow the steps below:

1. Goto Start and then Run.

2. In Run option, type NOTEPAD and then press enter.

3. In Notepad, write or copy the following code:

strText = "Hello how are you.. have a great day."
Set objVoice = CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice")
objVoice.Speak strText

4. Save the file as talk.VBS. You can use any filename in place of "talk".

5. Now double click on the file. Is your computer saying---
Hello how are you.. have a great day.

Incredible - Taj Mahal - 3D panorama !!!

Incredible - Taj Mahal - 3D panorama !!!

Very neatly done .. Speakers ON.. Don’t forget to view the arial panorama as well.


Beautiful !!!!


The Reason Why India Is Shining !! ★ Awesome ★

~~!! Don't You Think That I Deserve The Reps !!~~


An Indian man walks into a bank in
New York City and asks for the loan officer.
He tells the loan officer that he is going to India on business
for two weeks and needs to borrow $5,000.

The bank officer tells him that the bank
will need some form of security for the loan,
so the Indian man hands over the keys
and documents of new Ferrari parked
on the street in front of the bank.
He produces the title and everything checks out.
The loan officer agrees to accept
the car as collateral for the loan.

The bank's president and its officers
all enjoy a good laugh at the Indian
for using a $250,000 Ferrari
as collateral against a $5,000 loan.
An employee of the bank then
drives the Ferrari into the bank's
underground garage and parks it there.

Two weeks later, the Indian returns,
repays the $5,000 and the interest,
which comes to $15.41.
The loan officer says,
"Sir, we are very happy to have had your business,
and this transaction has worked out very nicely,
but we are a little puzzled.
While you were away,
we checked you out and found that you are a multi millionaire.
What puzzles us is, why would you bother to borrow "$5,000" ?

The Indian replies:

"Where else in New York City can I park my car
for two weeks for only $15.41
and expect it to be there when I return'"

Ah, the mind of the Indian...

This is why India is shining !!

check ur name - must see

Name Meaning
Instructions: What you do is find out what each letter
of your name means.

Then connect all the meanings and it describes YOU.
(It’s TRUE) &

(Isn’t it GREAT!!)

If you have double or triple letters, just count the
meaning once.
For Example: MAHESH

M = Success comes easily to you.
A = You can be very quiet when you have something on
your mind.
H = You are not judgmental
E = You are a very exciting person.
S = you are very broad-minded
H = you are not judgmental

A = you can be very quiet when you have something on
your mind.
B = You are always cautious when it comes to meeting
newpeople .
C = You definitely have a partier side in you, don't
be shy to show it.
D = you have trouble trusting people.
E = you are a very exciting person.
F = everyone loves you.
G = you have excellent ways of viewing people.
H = you are not judgmental.
I = you are always smiling and making others smile.
J =Jealously
K = you like to try new things.
L = Love is something you deeply believe in.
M = Success comes easily to you.
N = You like to work, but you always want a break.
O = you are very open-minded.
P = you are very friendly and understanding.
Q = you are a hypocrite.
R = you are a social butterfly.
S = you are very broad-minded.
T = You have an attitude, a big one.
U = you feel like you have to equal up to people's
V = you have a very good physique and looks.
W = you like your privacy.
X =you never let people tell you what to do.
Y = you cause a lot of trouble.
Z = you’re always fighting with someone.

5 Seconds Between Life & Death...

5 Seconds Between Life & Death...

Like you, this man too, had a dream.
Like you, he too pushed his way into the crowded train
Like you, he too wanted to get going before he got delayed
Unlike you, he slipped and fell in the gap between the train and the platform at a station
And eight bogies went over him
Find out what happened to this man


The man obviously has a guardian angel and supportive bystanders who told him exactly what he shouldn't do - move. And so, the man lay absolutely still as eight bogies of the train passed over him - centimeters from his head. Within seconds the 12-coach train passed and the man clambered out, unaided, unhurt, but too shocked to speak to us after his near-death experience
Untidy safety habits can trip you up.

This Guy was Lucky,
Don't cross Railway Tracks ever & make a mess of ur Valuable Life
whatever happens it happens for good!

Don't use shortcuts in life, eliminate unsafe acts & unsafe conditions to avoid accidents.

4 Awesome Gmail Features That You Don't Use

Google is often making incremental improvements to Gmail, but many of these new features are not immediately detected by users. Even those times when Google offers a pop-up message about the changes, most people will just click through to get to their email, forgetting altogether about the change. There could be Gmail features lurking in that minimalist UI that could increase your productivity, or even inspire you to use Gmail differently. We'll dig into the depths of Gmail and pull out a few great features you may have forgotten, or maybe never knew about in the first place.

Drag and Drop Attachments 

Google rolled out a particularly useful feature just yesterday. Users of the Chrome and Firefox browsers can now finally drag and drop attachments
directly into Gmail. What's really interesting here is how seamless it is. There are no controls in the interface to activate this feature, just grab any file from your computer (from the desktop, explorer, or finder) and drag it into the Gmail window. You can even select multiple files to drag in at once. Immediately, a box will pop up in the customary attachment area indicating you can drop your files there. They will upload just as if you'd gone through the tedious process of digging through the upload window to get to a folder you might already have open. 

Easy Labeling 

Labels in Gmail can be a powerful organizational tool, and an update last summer made them more powerful than ever. The list of labels is on the left side of the interface. Each entry should have an arrow next to it. Clicking on that will give you access to options to change the color, rename, hide, or delete the label. There's no need to dig through the settings to adjust your label settings. This same update also improved the process of tagging conversations with particular labels. There has always been a label drop-down menu for adding conversations to a label, but you can also drag and drop. 

There are two ways to make use of this. If you want some conversations moved to a label (i.e. out of your inbox), you can select them with the check boxes from the inbox view, then drag them by grabbing the tab at the far left of the preview line (you can grab any of them). Release them over the label you'd like to move them to, and they will move to that label. If you just want to add a label but keep the conversation in the inbox, you basically do the opposite. Select the items you want to add a label to, then drag the label from the left pane onto any one of the selected messages and they will all be added to the group.

Pop Out Windows 

Heavy multitaskers should take note of Gmail's enhanced "New Window" support. This improvement rolled out just a few weeks ago, and has made the feature much more usable. The old behavior would require the account to reload in this new window, but now the process is instantaneous. For instance, when composing an email, you might want to refer to an older message. Not a problem, just click the new window button. It's the one in the upper right of the composition area, opposite of the send button. You can now click around in your account while composing a new email, and anything you've already typed is present in the new window. 

The New Window button is available in other places as well. The chat interface can get in the way at times, but clicking the arrow at the top will give you a new window that loads instantly complete with all the chat history. When replying to a message, simply hold "shift" and click the reply link to open the reply in a new window. The same trick can be used to open a conversation in a new window; just shift-click the conversation in the inbox to pop it out. Finally, while reading an email you can click the New Window link in the upper right corner above the Google ads. This opens a new window with just that conversation so you can read it later. 

Contact Syncing with Mobile Phones 

Gmail is often the gateway to Google Contacts. Many people find that after a time, most of their important contacts are stored in Google's cloud just as a consequence of using Gmail. So why not get those contacts on your phone? With a little organizing and setup you can do it as easily as users of Google Android can. 

First you'll probably want to clean up your contacts. Gmail has a nasty habit of duplicating contacts if someone contacts you with different email addresses. Click the Contacts link on the left side of the Gmail interface and you should see a "Find duplicates" button in the main Contacts pane. Clicking it will start Google thinking and it will present you with any possible duplicates it finds. It's a good idea to click the details link beside each entry before clicking the "Merge" button. 

Now that that's done you're ready to sync those contacts. All you need to do is pop over to the Google Sync site and get the full step-by-step for iPhone, Blackberry, Nokia, and Windows Mobile handsets. You will basically be adding Gmail as an Exchange account (Google Sync uses Microsoft ActiveSync technology). Make sure to backup contacts already on your phone in case something goes wrong as Google Sync will delete the phone's existing contacts. Users of iPhone, Blackberry, and Windows Mobile phones can also choose to have their calendar synced as well.